Using the Get2Green data in your classroom
Get2Green data is available both online and in downloadable excel files. The data available is designed to be used by school based Eco Teams working on Eco-School pathways. This data allows teams to assess baseline data, design an action plan to improve their school’s performance in a certain sustainability area (energy conservation, water conservation, recycling, etc.), implement their action plan, and measure what impact the implementation of that action plan has on the data. This model can also be the basis for PBL (Project Based Learning) activities and service learning.
The charts below summarize the grade level possibilities for using FCPS Get2Green data to meet the Program of Studies. As is evident:
There are many opportunities to use this data to meet interdisciplinary standards
There are opportunities to work across multiple grade levels to meet standards for the grade levels involved
The data can be used purely as numbers to analyze and manipulate or can be used as a basis for starting a school-wide conservation initiative
Submit your ideas for using the data to the Get2Green Team - [email protected]
Ideas by Grade
Topic |
Topic Ideas |
Math |
Round whole numbers
Compare numbers between 0 and 9,999
Represent whole numbers on an open number line
Determine whether an estimate or an exact number answer is appropriate
Estimate sums, differences, and products
Add or subtract two whole numbers each 9,999 or less
Collect data using surveys, polls, questionnaires, scientific experiments, and observations
Construct, read, analyze, and interpret line plots, picture graphs, bar graphs, charts and tables
Science |
Energy conservation
Effects of human influence-quality of water, air, habitat
Investigate: make predictions, formulate hypotheses, gather data, make inferences, draw conclusions
Data: Chart, graph, analyze, communicate
Reading |
Oral and Writing Communication |
Participate in group discussions
Present oral reports: Plan with audience in mind, organize and sequence information, include relevant details, etc.
Write: directions, friendly letters, simple explanations, short reports, stories
Use Technology to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish
Social Studies |
Community Service
Natural, human, and capital resources
Producers, goods, and services
Economic choice and opportunity cost
Relationship between environment and culture
Compare and Contrast
Explain cause and effect
Collect, organize, and interpret information
Participate in groups
Make decisions
Draw conclusions and generalizations about data
Make and use charts, bar graphs, and pie graphs
Read and construct maps, tables, graphs, and charts
Topic |
Topic Ideas |
Math |
Compare and order decimals, fractions, percents, and numbers written in scientific notation.
Solve Problems with Rational Numbers/Percents/Ratios/Proportions
Determine the Percent of Increase or Decrease for a Given Situation
Collect, Organize, and Display Data
Make connections between any two representations (tables, graphs, words, and rules) of a given relationship.
Science |
Construct/Interpret Data Tables: IV, DV, Derived Quantities, # Trials
Construct/Interpret Data Tables: Descriptive Statistics, Range, etc.
Make Valid Conclusions After Analyzing Data
Use Research Methods to Investigate Practical Problems and Questions
Extend the Energy/Electricity Unit to investigate human uses of energy and energy conservation
Social Studies |
Create & Explain Maps, Diagrams, Tables, Charts, Graphs, Spreadsheets
Identify a Problem and Recommend Solutions
Create an Informed, Carefully Reasoned Position on a Community Issue
Select and Defend Positions in Writing, Discussion, and Debate
Exercise good citizenship by practicing thoughtful decision making
Describe How Individuals and Interest Groups Influence Public Policy
Language Arts |
Use interviewing techniques to gain information (Interview your energy specialist about this data)
Develop and deliver oral presentations
Analyze, develop and produce media messages
Read, comprehend, analyze variety of nonfiction texts
Write in a variety of forms
Apply knowledge of appropriate reference materials to produce product
Topic |
Topic Ideas |
Active Physics |
IB Environment and Society |
Discuss factors that affect the choice of energy sources by societies
Water resources
Environmental demands of human populations
Environmental Value Systems
Engineering |
Biology |
After School
Eco Club |