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FCPS Get2Green landscape with people biking and walking on grass.

About Us

Get2Green is the environmental stewardship program for Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia. Get2Green supports division-level policies and projects that complement school-based sustainability work based on a foundation of equity. Get2Green offers guidance and resources for classes and eco-teams implementing hands-on environmental action in their school and community. Student eco-teams are active at many schools engaging in student-driven stewardship activities such as reducing waste, conserving energy, planting and maintaining wildlife habitat, and tending edible gardens. Project-Based Learning and the Global Classroom Project are two curriculum-based programs that Get2Green enthusiastically supports.

Get2Green staff collaborates with county and community partners, serves on committees supporting sustainability in FCPS and across Fairfax County, applies for and manages grants to support schools, and hosts programs such as Earth Week to expand engagement in environmental stewardship. Get2Green also provides professional development opportunities for educators and administrators to ensure all students have opportunities to develop as ethical and global citizens.

History of Get2Green

Get2Green was formed in 2009 by a group of FCPS principals who came together to share and explore methods for engaging in environmental stewardship in schools. As principals began to identify environmental leaders at their school, Get2Green gradually expanded and offered more support to schools interested in student-led environmental action. The Get2Green website was launched in 2016 as a platform to provide each FCPS school and center with energy use data for their building, as well as guidance and resources for school staff and students engaging in environmental stewardship. Additional resources are continually being added to help students and teachers learn and engage in environmental stewardship.

Our Vision

FCPS will empower every student to be an environmentally literate global citizen who is connected to nature and equipped to be a leader who protects our world.

Our Mission

Get2Green cultivates school cultures and an FCPS community centered on student wellness and equitable access to environmental stewardship opportunities. Using the whole school campus and collaborating with community partners, we support meaningful learning experiences by providing professional development, coaching, and eco-focused resources.

Our Team

Get2Green is a collaborative team with staff in the Facilities & Transportation Services (FTS) and Instructional Services Department (ISD) who offer their expertise in supporting schools engaging in environmental stewardship. Get2Green collaborates with many teams in FTS and ISD, as well as Food and Nutrition Services, the Office of Communications and Community Relations, and school staff and students.


Get2Green works closely with many partners, including the National Wildlife Federation, Fairfax County’s Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, Fairfax County Park Authority, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and the Fairfax Food Council. We connect our partners with schools to provide meaningful learning opportunities for our students.

What can Get2Green do for you?

  1. Consult on environmental stewardship projects you are doing or interested in doing at your school

  2. Provide support to follow Eco-Schools framework and earn recognition for your hard work from NWF

  3. Provide a plethora of engaging resources on our website:

    • Data dashboards with school-specific energy and waste data

    • Information, tips, and additional resources on a variety of environmental topics

    • Engagement programs (Earth Week, recycling competitions, etc.)

  4. Share and offer funding opportunities (as available)

  5. Consult with your school’s staff or student green team on resources and ideas for action

  6. Connect you to experts to consult on projects or meet with your class or team

  7. Connect you to other schools near you to collaborate on similar work

  8. Serve as authentic audience for student presentations


FCPS staff can submit the Support Request Form to request guidance with environmental stewardship at your school (must be signed into Google on your account to submit a request).


Receive the latest news and opportunities from Get2Green by subscribing to the Get2Green newsletter and following Get2Green on Twitter.

FCPS Sustainability Awards

FCPS has won numerous awards for sustainability and environmental stewardship:

  • 2020 Virginia Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award

  • 2020 Virginia School Boards Association Platinum Certification

  • 2019-2023 US Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence

  • 2019 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Energy and Environmental Leadership Award

  • 2019 Virginia Energy Efficiency Council’s Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership Award

  • 2019 Virginia School Boards Association Platinum Certification

  • 2018 US Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

  • 2018 Virginia School Boards Association Green Schools Challenge Winner (student population 10,001 and up)

  • 2017 US Department of Education Green Ribbon School Division

  • 2017 US Environmental Protection Agency ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year

  • 2015-2017 Virginia School Boards Association Platinum Certification

  • 2016 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Energy and Environmental Leadership Award

  • 2013 Virginia School Boards Association Silver Division Certification

  • 2009-2011 Virginia School Boards Association Certified Green School Division